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#FashionSpaceAsks - Brissus

1.  Please introduce who you are and what you do in 2 sentences. 

Hello, I’m Mari Reverón, originally from the Canary Islands and I live in Helsinki. I design and manufacture sustainable swimwear for women. My brand is BRISSUS. 

 2.  How would you describe your current mood? 

Not overly optimistic with my business. I launched last year and I hoped that in this one, by fixing some errors and through my experience of the past year, I could have to opportunity to make my sustainable brand more visible in the market, but it’s going to be difficult, like for everybody else. 

 3.  What effect has Covid 19 had on you and your business? 

 A huge stop, no holidays, all beaches with the “no trespassing” sign… what can I tell you… 

 4.  What effect had Covid 19 had on your supply chain (if relevant)? 

 Yes, I have a small piece of my production with some designs on hold, the factory won’t deliver them to me for the moment, despite I have paid them in advance. It’s a disaster! 

 5.  What has been the biggest challenge during this period of lockdown? 

 Not having clear information about the direction that Europe is going to take and the end-date for confinement. There is no way of making much plans. 

 6.  What have you done during lockdown to innovate? 

I’m working on improving by web page and learning SEO, to upgrade the sales’ efficiency in my website. 

 7.  What small act of kindness has someone shown you or that you have shown someone during the lockdown? 

People are more patient in general, and it seems that nobody has a rush for attaining goals. 

 8.  How do you think this crisis will affect the fashion industry? 

 I hope and desire that in a positive way. The market relationship with China should be interrupted until the healthcare authorities of that country comply with the same regulations as in Europe. I hope that we start producing more in Europe, just as I do, which is much more sustainable and ethical. 

9.  How do you think you will need to do things differently in your business post lock down?

I don’t know what to say, the truth is that I’d like someone to give me that answer, and I would follow the advice. 

10. What would you advise our/your followers to keep their spirits up during lockdown? 

 That life goes on and to take this pause as something positive for our planet. I think that from now on we should, consciously, put ourselves on hold for a month every year and meditate about our consumption habits. In this month, the planet has recovered to some degree from the wounds that we deliberately or unconsciously cause it.