Purple Striped Dress Shirt
Purple Striped Dress Shirt
Harrods Swiss Cotton easy care mens shirt circa 1980-1990 restyled elegantly for 21st century wear by designer Arquimedes Llorens for women and men.
The shirts has a cut away collar with original stays. Since it has a shirt tail it was made to be tucked in
Shirt dress was a part of the buisiness attire ( still is in some professions) worn with a dark business suit, either a two-piece suit or a three-piece suit with a waistcoat. The shirt would be normally white or light blue or maybe a pastel color, as well as striped with a very small pattern, the wider the stripe the racier and daring it was.
Measurements of this shirt - collar size is 17.5in - 44.45cm
a) 17in - 43cm b) 25.6in - 65cm c) 45.7in - 116cm d) 50in - 128cm e) 31in -79cm